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The Messages Behind Jaw Issues

-Module 1-

Embrace Self-Determined Work on Root Causes and feel JAWESOME again!

Gain insights into the underlying causes of your jaw issues and empower yourself to resolve them effectively. Explore new connections between your jaw and body, stress, thoughts, and emotions in this course. Discover how facial muscles, especially the tongue, influence jaw tension. Identify the root causes of teeth grinding, snoring, jaw tension, and other jaw-related issues, and learn how to resolve them permanently.  

This course integrates knowledge from cutting-edge science, muscle function therapy, and ancient teachings to holistically understand and improve your jaw's health and well-being. By the end, you'll be able to interpret your jaw's messages accurately and gain a comprehensive understanding of your jaw health, often unknown even to therapists and doctors.

"I highly recommend this course to everyone because it is so informative and diverse, with a wealth of background knowledge about our jaw and body, along with many practical examples. It has greatly improved my health!" 

Barbara Hofer

"A fantastic course including intensive self-experience! Compact, lots of knowledge and professional information, great exercises, very nice videos, good workbooks, and a well-structured learning platform."

Andrea Söllner
Jaw Yoga Masterinstructor

"Healing lifelong jaw pain together with providing people the confidence to believe in themselves they have control over their own pain and healing was a miraculous milestone accomplished. Julia is one of the most talented and beautiful human I have ever met who is her authentic self dedicated to bringing her wisdom globally."

Terri S.

"Aut dicta commodi nostrum quidem delectus molestiae ad et ex odit."

CEO / Founder

Introduction - 60 Minutes

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1. Lesson:

Mouth-Jaw-Face System

Understand how the 23 pairs of facial muscles interact with the jaw muscles and the impact of tongue positioning on your jaw health.

2. Lesson:

jaw-body system

Discover the connections between the jaw, pelvis, hands, eyes, and neck. Learn how fascia can contribute to well-being in the jaw.

3. Lesson:

Jaw-Stress System

Understand how stress, overwhelming emotions, and repetitive thoughts affect your jaw tension. Learn how to activate the vagus nerve with Jaw Yoga to reduce stress in your life.

4. Lesson:

Jaw-Mind System

The throat chakra is closely connected to the jaw, self-expression, communication, and our inner truth. This subtle jaw system addresses the underlying issues of jaw problems on mental, emotional, and energetic levels.

Understanding the Messages of Your Jaw

Your Jaw Communicates Through These 4 Systems—Learn Its Language Today and Rediscover Comfort with Your Jaw!

Next Dates: 

August 29 + 30, 2024 and September 5 + 6, 2024 

Group calls: 5:00 - 6:00 PM (UK Time) / 9:00 - 10:00 AM (PDT, California) / 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EDT, New York)

NOW €277

reduced from â‚¬499

Limited Offer

About your mentor

Early in my life, I experienced challenges with my jaw and voice. I felt firsthand the impact of dental misalignments, teeth grinding, and jaw movement restrictions and pain on my daily life. This is why I am dedicated to helping people return to a self-determined, light-filled life brimming with enthusiasm and joy. I view challenges and pain as opportunities for growth—signals indicating the need for change. 

Sometimes, it takes another person to help interpret the hidden messages behind these signals. That’s where I come in! From personal experience, I know it is possible to free oneself from many jaw symptoms by addressing their root causes, which often span physical, mental-emotional, and subtle energetic levels. Our power and self-determination lie in learning to understand the language of our bodies once again, and I am here to support you in that journey. 

A relaxed jaw is the key to inner satisfaction and a JAWSOME life!

I look forward to accompanying you on your jaw health journey! 

 Warm regards, 

My special ofer for you! 

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before â‚¬499

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The Messages Behind Jaw-IssuesJaw Yoga Mentoring / Basic Module 1€277


reduced from â‚¬ 499,- 

  • 4 LIVE calls cia Zoom with Julia 
  • Comprehensive workbooks 
  • Premium email support 
  • Recordings

Next Dates: 

August 29 + 30, 2024 and September 5 + 6, 2024 

5:00 - 6:00 PM (UK Time) / 9:00 - 10:00 AM (PDT, California) / 12:00 - 1:00 PM (EDT, New York)

  • Total payment
  • 1xMessages Behind Jaw-Issues / Module 1€277

All prices in EUR
